Top 20 NuGet templates Packages
Easy-to-use lightweight templating engine for generating text-based documents by injecting values from .net object to a text-based template.
Supports conditional bocks, loops, subtemplates, etc. For documentation and examples see
StackExpress Razor Documentation:
- Turns ServiceStack into a Complete Web + REST Services Stack. Replaces need for ASP.NET MVC.
- Runs In ASP.NET or Self-host, first-class cross-platform support on .NET / Mono runtimes.
- Add HTML views to existing s...
Templates for ASP.NET Core Blazor without any js and css libraries.
A full-featured starter template for "dotnet new" to quickly scaffold a .Net 8 Web-Api project with MongoDB as the data store.
MLEM Library for Extending MonoGame cross-platform project templates
Templates for Google Cloud Functions Framework
Simple providers to generate pages with basic replacement mechanisms
Templates for creating a C# Bonsai package (.nupkg)
Package Manager Console Tools to manage ASPSecurityKit licenses and install source packages. ASPSecurityKit simplifies implementation of zero-trust security for every web app. To get started Visit
This package provides a friendly UI to let you regi...
Free and Open Source fork of NServiceKit.Razor V3
- Turns NServiceKit into a Complete Web + REST Services Stack. Replaces need for ASP.NET MVC.
- Runs In ASP.NET or Self-host, first-class cross-platform support on .NET / Mono runtimes.
- Add HTML views to existing services.
MSBuild Tasks to help creating self-contained embedded versions of ServiceStack that can be ILMerged into a single cross-platform .exe accessed by the users perferred browser or hosted inside a Native Desktop App shell containing a Web Browser widget.
Once added to a project the install.ps1 s...
F# templating library with simple syntax designed for smooth work with F# types
Less CSS compiler support for Cassette.
ASP.NET Core Web Template Pack for Microsoft Template Engine
Single Page Application templates for ASP.NET Core
Abstract classes for a given-then-when testing approach
Liquimail implements glue code to use Liquid templates with MailKit. This package contains ASP.NET Core extensions, helpers and components. For example, this package contains an health check which makes sure that SMTP server is reachable.
Templates to use when creating an application for Filam Software.
View helpers for Cassette.
The Mail Templating and Sending Module (part of Dragon Web Framework) for .NET that supports Handlebar Templates (HTML & plain-text), Internationalization, Summary E-Mails (Batching, i.e. do not send more than 1 email per X hours) and Asynchronous Sending.