Top 20 NuGet template Packages

Library for rendering Javascript from Razor Syntax
SharpTAL is fast HTML/XML template engine.
Replacement/placeholder for System.Web
Usable for composing View and ViewModel in MVVM Pattern via reflection
Make databind between your .NET classes properties and your own template (Xml, Yml, ...) See documentation on
JavaScript library provides a simple and easy to use template to build tile base windows 8 look and feel web pages. Build your own template and pass it to this library in order to convert your website to a tile based website (tiles, groups, live tiles, animation, ...).
A NuGet package which can be used to easily create item and project templates for Visual Studio.
Base Library for Developing T4SQL Templates Library Add-ins. See detail in
Automatic export template from current project feature in Visual Studio 2013.
Regextra simplifies tasks typically solved via regex so that you no longer have (problems){2}. It includes a passphrase regex builder, named template formatter, and more!
Handlebars template system for .NET
This library makes it possible to create an ExactTarget email from a specified template with a content area.
DataBind is a simple javascript function that facilitates binding Data from a JSON object to a HTML template. The objective of this script is to enable using templates without introducing any new or invalid syntax and without dictating the way you structure your application. All you need is a single...
Library for generating DOCX documents based on templates in DOCX format with all features of MS Word available
generate html using razor template engine.
Public Website For JBRipps
MailChimp Provider.
N2 Part for Baidu Map.
N2 Pages for events.