Top 20 NuGet template Packages

Mailer for .net, support template, smpt and mailgun transport
Includes PageFieldJS file and on edit mode you can change text fields on runtime. Making changes save to sql database with EF CodeFirst and JQuery ajax.
Provides the visualizer runtime for StringTemplate 4.
MaltReport is an universal document generator works like Razor for HTML. MaltReport is mainly inspired by the excellent Relatorio Project.
Simple way of Couchbase Caching Operations and Caching Template The goal of project is to reduce code duplication, to make easier of code maintenance and make central of caching operations
ImageEx is a drop-in replacement for the XAML <Image /> control for the special use case when the Source property is changed quickly. A known bug in the control is that the image will flash (revealing the background visual) as it changes sources to the new source.
This is the Css files of the Shared framework.
NancyFx .net core F# Template
Babel Template (babel-template) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Lightweight template engine for rendering elaborate emails using Json data.
Extensions for System.Data Types for Stubble
Types and parsers for working with the URI Template specification in RFC 6570
A log message management system and exploration UI, in a similar vein to Swagger. Contains an expressive templating system.
Extension for Red for rendering .ecs files