Top 20 NuGet tdd Packages

Provides fakes and classes that can be more easily overridden, mocked, or stubbed in tests.
A super quick localDb testing framework for use with Entity Framework. It uses a localDB instance for the entire test run's life. Each test's execution is wrapped into transaction to avoid test interfering with each other. This means the cost of setting up the DB is only paid once. That is when th...
Testify is a unit test assertions, test data creation and contract verification framework. It's not dependent on any specific unit testing framework. Testify.Moq adds mocking support via Moq.
A simply tool to facility TDD in database migration using FluentMigrator.
The runner of Carna testing and specification framework for Universal Windows Platform application.
Container that creates mocks for all the dependencies of a class.
A Visual Studio test harness for NSpec
Quickly test your NHibernate mappings using the PersistenceSpecification class
An analyzer to find missing tests for tests written with SmartTests.
SmartTests enables you to write Smarter unit tests, wether you use NUnit, Xunit or MSTests. It is best to install SmartTests.Analyzer and SmartTests.Extension so that missing tests will be displayed. They are Smart in the sense that: 1. The Act line of your test is instantly identifiable. ...
Open source JIT Dependency Injection. Just another one - we know! But this follows the same design principles of Google's Guice. MIT License Has been used in 20+ Games which have had a combined download of 25M. Production ready!
Test Run Extensions for the Microsoft Test Framework - MSTest V2
Miimics enables the recording of existing responses of code under various calls, and enables the creation of Stubs that Mimic this saved behaviour later for the easy creation of isolation tests.
Extensions to help testing http actions
EntityFrameworkTestable provides wrappers around EntityFramework classes in order to make them more testable. Add this package to your assemblies which use EntityFramework. Add package EntityFrameworkTestable.Testing to your test assemblies.
A library for resetting Entity Framework databases as fast as possible, for integration testing
AutoMoq built for Unity5
A derived host to create a windows service that can run context-graphs with instrumentation enabled.
A 2 support for ImpruvIT.DataValidation library. ImpruvIT.DataValidation is a simple easily extensible data validation library with fluent API and descriptive failure messages. Supports validation of code contracts (arguments and return values) and test assertions with the same API...
A MSTest 1 support for ImpruvIT.DataValidation library. ImpruvIT.DataValidation is a simple easily extensible data validation library with fluent API and descriptive failure messages. Supports validation of code contracts (arguments and return values) and test assertions with the same API bu...