Top 20 NuGet tasks Packages

Minion, background job system for .NET applications.
ReusableTasks is a (nearly) zero allocation Task-like object for use when declaring async methods.
TPL compatible replacement for events and global messages
TasksOnTime can be used in service , console, website or wpf/winforms applications Use only standard ThreadPool
Projects and tasks are comfortably organized into a hierarchical structure displayed in the left pane of the chart. The grid is easily configurable so you can add/remove custom columns to display required information. Current schedule status can be seen at a glance with percent-complete shadings. Yo...
Unitysync.Async is a library of extension methods that lets you preform async continuations on Task/Task<T> Types. Allowing you to non-blockingly call async methods on the Unity3D main thread and continue on the Unity3D main thread when the Task/Task<T> is completed.
A fun (dotnet) tool to track Azure DevOps Tasks/Bugs by User!
WebBackgrounder.EntityFramework is an implementation of the IJobCoordinator for WebBackgrounder that uses a Database (via EF Code First) as the synchronization mechanism (aka a mutex) for coordinating jobs.
Utility library to simplify writing asynchronous code which supports .NET 3.5 and newer.
uScoober.TestFramework: Graphic Display Interface
Utility library to simplify writing asynchronous code which supports .NET 3.5 and newer.
Ever.y is a fluent API job scheduling engine for .NET.
MainBrain build task library for XUnit tests.
Client library for accessing the Wunderlist API in .NET, that is lightweight and simple to use. Supported Platforms: - .NET Framework 4.5 - Windows 8 - Windows Phone 8.1 - Windows Phone Silverlight 8 - Portable Class Libraries
Quidjibo delivers flexible async background jobs for .NET applications
Core components for Minion, background job system for .NET applications.
RavenDB job storage for Hangfire
Generates source link for Git repositories using a GitWeb server.
The Coyote systematic testing engine.