Top 20 NuGet target Packages

Windows SDK of myTarget Advertising Network
A custom build target that automatically transforms config files for each environment defined
Frenetic-Trace is a light-weight trace visualization software. Use this package for implementation. Visit for further details
Multi-target mapper for AutoMapper.
NLog.Contrib.Targets.WebSocketServer is a NLog target that instead of writing on a file, or showing the log on the console, broadcast the log entries to the connected websocket connections. Features: - Fully integrated with NLog: it does not require changes in your application code beyond the con...
Custom NLog target for sending log events to a SignalR hub using basic authentication to submit to the hub.
An NLog target that utilises the elasticsearch low level client.
NewRelic.Synthetics.Api - MsBuild target and accompanying code to work with NewRelic Synthetics API (disable/enable Synthetics monitors during deployment)
Replaces all instances of {YEAR} in copyrights with the current year. Works with the MSBuild Copyright property and AssemblyCopyright attribute. Assign the <CopyrightYearAssemblyInfo> property in your project file as your input assembly info file if you're using an one different from Properties\Ass...
Automate publishing a project's nuget package during build process.
Azure Diagnostics interop with log4net
NLog target to write to an AzureServiceBus.
NLog target for Trace2Cloud project