Top 20 NuGet tables Packages

RepositorioGenerico é um Framework ORM OpenSource escrito em C# para utilização em projetos com qualquer quantidade de tabelas.
Recommended Google client library to access the Area 120 Tables API
Fake Azure Tables for integration testing
Azure Table storage emulator for integration testing
RepositorioGenerico é um Framework ORM OpenSource escrito em C# para utilização em projetos com qualquer quantidade de tabelas.
RepositorioGenerico é um Framework ORM OpenSource escrito em C# para utilização em projetos com qualquer quantidade de tabelas.
RepositorioGenerico é um Framework ORM OpenSource escrito em C# para utilização em projetos com qualquer quantidade de tabelas.
NW.MarkdownTables is a library that creates Markdown tables out of the provided objects. It makes very easy to format objects in tabular format while logging and to create examples for the documentation of the project while developing it.
Use GrabzIt to take PDF, DOCX, Video, rendered HTML or image screenshots of websites. The screenshots are highly customizable options include altering quality, delay, size, browser type, geographic location and much more. You can even convert HTML directly into images, DOCX documents, PDF's, videos...
Better tables for your console application
Reads and writes CSV files using definition mappers.
RepositorioGenerico é um Framework ORM OpenSource escrito em C# para utilização em projetos com qualquer quantidade de tabelas.
Telegraphy.Net adapter for azure storage (tables/queues/blobs)
Easily add the ability to store data in Azure Storage's Table Service. Also works with CosmosDB when it is used in Tables API mode. Simply decorate your business objects and its properties with the provided attributes and store and retrieve data with Azure Table Storage using ONE line of code!
A Blazor table component based off TailWindCss. It has the bare minimum styles to function with the option to add your own classes. It's built so it can be fully customizable and reusable for any table type.
Devshed CSV Library
*** V4.0.0 is not compatible with backups from prior versions *** DotNet Tools command line implementation for backup, copy, delete and restore of Azure tables to/from local file or Azure blob storage using TheByteStuff.AzureTableUtilities found on NuGet:
A library for creating tables.
xSkrape provides parsing / tabular detection for structured, semi and non-structured data sources with minimal coding. Interact with HTML, JSON, XML, CSV, Excel, DropBox, Google Docs and other sources using simple directives. This package supports .NET standard 2 and connects to the web API offered ...
xSkrape provides parsing / tabular detection for structured, semi and non-structured data sources with minimal coding. Interact with HTML, JSON, XML, CSV, Excel, DropBox, Google Docs and other sources using simple directives. This package contains a .cs file with example usage of the InProc version.