Top 20 NuGet system Packages

Strict control over which references are allowed (assembly / package / project).
This library contains shared code for Omex libraries.
Utilities and helper functions for when integrating with Amazon Web Services Api Gateway
Extensions and classes related directly to the .NET System namespace.
Gives the ability to make Authorized API Requests using a Rest Client. Utilizes RestSharp under the hood.
This library contains shared AspNetCore code for Omex libraries.
Common Logging Elements used throughout the Lightest Night ecosystem
Rollbar Client and config files to support the logging of data to Rollbar
Package Description
Utilities and helper functions for when integrating with Amazon Kinesis
Helper functions and utilities to access an instance of ElasticSearch
Utilities and helper functions for integrating with CloudWatch logs. Strongest use case is streaming logs to Kinesis to then ship to a centralised logging solution.
File System-based state persistence for D-ASYNC microservices is useful with NAS drives.
Enables to work with formulas built in the code or from a string. Computing, derivating, latex rendering, compilation, solving equations and systems of equations analytycally, simplification, and much more. Read more on
Hooks, utilities and helpers to allow caching
Hooks, utilities and helpers to allow caching to a memory cache
TecLimit System Service Windows Library
TecLimit System Service Library