Top 20 NuGet syntax Packages

Port of Python's Pygments syntax highlighter
.NET Compiler Platform ("Roslyn") support for editor features inside the Visual Studio editor. Supported Platforms: - .NET Framework 4.6 More details at This package was built from the source at
CoreCLR-compatible versions of the C# and VB compilers.
This package contains simple utility library for wrapping raw SQL queries and C# code analyzer for correctness analysis. Currently supports following features: - Syntax analysis and object usage of SQL queries - Analysis of provided/expected parameters (currently implemented only for Dapper f...
ColorCode is a library for colorizing source code (also known as syntax highlighting). ColorCode Portable is a fork of the original ColorCode code base to .NET Portable Class Libraries.
A super easy way to turn arguments for a console application into real values, and then pass them to a fitting method
Syntax expression parser/evaluation. Manage null values.
C# spinning syntax (spintax) parser
.Net Compilers Toolset package. Referencing this package will cause the project to be built using the specific version of the C# and Visual Basic compilers contained in the package, as opposed to any system installed version. Supported Platforms: - .NET Framework 4.5
Analyzers built using the .NET Compiler Platform (Roslyn) for Roslyn.sln.
CoreCLR-compatible version of csi.exe. Supported Platforms: - .NET Core (dnxcore50)
Resources for Testing the .NET Compiler Platform ("Roslyn"). Supported Platforms: - .NET Framework 4.5