Top 20 NuGet synchronization Packages

Move content between Windows and Azure.
Firebase Simple Login Web Client
Synchronize Between SQL Server and Azure Table Storage
Simple syncable key-value database, based on SQLite
Azure storage synchronization tool.
This provides a MVVM layer for Xamarin forms Tools extensions View models abstraction Error management Navigation VM to VM IoC registration
ApiGum SDK is a .Net library for managing integrations between popular cloud applications like Twilio, SendGrid, Shopify and others.
Synchronization helper: a static lock collection associated with a key. NamedLock manages the lifetime of critical sections that can be accessed by a key (name) throughout the application. It also have some helper methods to allow a maximum wait time (timeout) to aquire the lock and safelly release...
Data Synchronization Core
CSP channels library on RabbitMQ
Source code package. A class containing methods for synchronously waiting on a Task, preventing deadlocks due to the presence of a synchronization context. Useful as a temporary solution until you can flow async all the way through.
This provides services to handle Client/Server synchronization and conflict resolution.
This provides a client side implementation of EntityFramework using versionned entities and tracking changes
This provides server side implementations of data access services for API use. It also provides an abstraction to API controllers which encapsulate base services, conflict management and regirstration to the IoC.