Top 20 NuGet sync Packages

Extensions to VelocityDB for efficient LINQ index/BTree queries, AzureSession file API usage with Microsoft Azure, import/export to/from CSV and JSON, Sync, GeoHash, Compressed Bitmap and RTree.
A lightweight, document-oriented (NoSQL), syncable database engine for .NET
Provides build-time support for SQL Change Automation, including support for Octopus Deploy NuPkg file creation.
A lightweight, document-oriented (NoSQL), syncable database engine for .NET
Dotmim Sync core assembly. Manage a sync process beetween two relational databases provider. Can't be used alone. Choose a server and a client provider such as Dotmim.Sync.SqlServerProvider or Dotmim.Sync.SqliteProvider
High performance and availability, scalable and very flexible pure .NET database. Using VelocityDB saves time and money for all software requiring reliable, high performance data persistence. Any .NET object can be efficiently persisted and retrieved within ACID transactional scope. The use of Veloc...
A lightweight, document-oriented (NoSQL), syncable database engine for .NET
Sql Server Sync Provider. Manage a sync process beetween two relational databases provider. This provider works with SQL Server and can be used as Client or Server provider .Net Standard 2.0
CoreSync is a .NET standard library that provides data synchronization functions between databases. This is the Sql Server provider assembly.
CoreSync is a .NET standard library that provides data synchronization functions between databases. This is the SQLite provider assembly.
Sql Server Sync Provider. Manage a sync process beetween two relational databases provider. This provider works with SQL Server and can be used as Client or Server provider. Based on SqlSyncProvider, but uses the SQL Server change tracking feature instead of tracking tables. .Net Standard 2.0
A lightweight, document-oriented (NoSQL), syncable database engine for .NET
SQLite Sync Provider. Manage a sync process beetween two relational databases provider. This provider works with SQL Server and can be used only as Client provider. Use SqlSyncProvider or MySqlSyncProvider for the server side .Net Standard 2.0
A lightweight, document-oriented (NoSQL), syncable database engine for .NET
Proxy to be able to Sync through an ASP.NET CORE application. Choose a Dotmim.Sync provider and protects your database call through web api calls only. This assembly is meant to be used from your ASP.Net core Web Api project, and will handle all http requests calls.
KVLite is a partition-based key-value cache built for SQL RDBMSs. This package contains Polly cache providers (both sync and async). For example, you can easily plug your Polly cache policy to KVLite SQL drivers.
SynchroFeed is an extensible framework for integrating with a Nuget-like feeds to perform syncing, cataloging and validation of Nuget and Chocolatey packages. This is an addon for syncing packages between a source repository with a target repository.
A lightweight, document-oriented (NoSQL), syncable database engine for .NET
Proxy to be able to Sync through an ASP.NET CORE application. Choose a Dotmim.Sync provider and protects your database call through web api calls only. this assembly is meant to be used from within your client application and will execute all the http calls