Top 20 NuGet support Packages

A library of reusable styles, themes, icons, controls, and other UI helpers.
Provides implementation for Data Access with EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer. It provides implementation for IRepository<T> and DbContext. It also provides extension methods for IServiceCollection to easily adding types to .NET Core DependencyInjection. Is also supports using multiple DbContexts withi...
.NET for Android (formerly Xamarin.Android) bindings for AndroidX library 'androidx.autofill:autofill'.
Azure Support SDK allows creation and management of Azure support tickets. Using the operations for support case management, you can (1) Open a technical, billing, subscription management, or quota increase support ticket, (2) Get list and detailed information about support tickets, (3) Update sever...
.NET for Android (formerly Xamarin.Android) bindings for AndroidX library 'androidx.core:core-role'.
Xamarin.Android bindings for Android Support Library - support-tv-provider
Xamarin.Android bindings for Android Support Library - support-emoji-bundled
Isolate is a jQuery plugin that provides faceted isolation and filtering of lists with programmatic scaffolding support for Bootstrap 3, 4, or the Isolate grid.
Better MVC support for Sitecore CMS
NHibernate-Support für die Lexware-Entitäten
A simple Sectioned/Grouped RecyclerView
Utilities for simplifying procedure calls
API binding and MSBuild tasks to use Android Architecture Components.
Support objects and interfaces for CE Framework
Support package for Gamma Four Data Model Generator output.
'SIM.Telemetry' is used to track Sitecore Instance Manager utilisation statistics
Database upgrade helper for .NET Core, support Postgres
Database Upgrade Helper, Support Postgres