Top 20 NuGet subscribe Packages
The endpoint plugin to connect an endpoint to Service Control
The endpoint plugin to connect an endpoint to Service Control
Support code to implement profiles in a NServiceBus host
log4net appender for EzBus
Simple .Net socket wrapper aimed at PubSub using protobuf-net
Part of the The Realtime Framework, Realtime Cloud Messaging (aka ORTC) is a secure, fast and highly scalable cloud-hosted Pub/Sub real-time message broker for web and mobile apps. If your website or mobile app has data that needs to be updated in the user's interface as it changes (e.g. real-time s...
Extensions for Akka.NET (PublishMessageActor etc.)
Subscribe UI Event (subscribe-ui-event) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
React Mailchimp Subscribe (react-mailchimp-subscribe) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Micro topic pubsub library.
ArqueBus is a .Net Standard 2.0 generic open source memory event bus.
Compact, simple and powerful asynchronous .net standard library for events bus (also know as subscribe/publish events pattern)
The Distributor Process for the nservicebus
The Timeout Manager for the nservicebus
Return to source queue and licensing tools for uses with NServiceBus
nvents is an open source library for strongly typed publishing/subscribing of events over the network.
Subtopic provides topic-based PubSub for javascript. Originally based on Peter Higgins' port from Dojo to JQuery and updated with support for message chaining inspired by Morgan Roderik's PubSubJS.
Gets you up and going with a DotNet app quicker by providing interfaces for commonly used components such as logging, caching and security.
Event Aggregator aggregates events from multiple objects into itself, passing that same event onto its observers.
A really simple publish subscribe event model for .net