Top 20 NuGet stub Packages

The most powerful free mocking library available for .NET developers.
DnsClient.NET is a simple yet very powerful and high performance open source library for the .NET Framework to do DNS lookups
Testing layer for Microsoft's HttpClient library
JSON and MediaTypeFormatter extensions for skwas.MockHttp.
.NET library to mock HTTP responses for HttpClient and verify request expectations with an experience inspired by Moq.
Test/mock (3rd party) code reliant on HttpClient, WebClient, HttpWebRequest and WebRequest.Create()
Library for creating Api stubs in .NET.
Builder allows to initialize one or more objects customizing the creation.
.NET library to mock HTTP responses for any HTTP client and verify request expectations with an experience inspired by Moq.
Easily create fake HTTP endpoints for integration testing
NMock3 is a Mocking framework that uses lambda syntax to setup expectations and test interactions between classes and interfaces.
Through the class Any, this library allows you to create all sort of base types randomly, this will help clarify your code, especially while testing. A known issue with developers struggling with test data setup, is that often the initial, explicit hard coded value or variables, can leave questions ...
A simple mocking library for TypeScript
Quickly stub out 3rd party servers to be used against your automated development test cycle. Designed to feel familiar to use, without having restrictions forced upon you.
.NET for Android (formerly Xamarin.Android) Bindings for Google's GRPC Stub package
A mocking framework to mock HttpClient requests.
Moksy is an open source .Net library for stubbing, mocking and simulating web services. Intended to be driven from MsTest (or your favorite testing framework), Moksy will create a real HTTP Server end-point that your system under test or other services can hit. For example: Moksy.Common.Proxy p...
A library to allow faking of client http logic with System.Net.Http. Supports recording and playback of responses. Particularly useful for separating client-side unit tests from web services.
A hybrid HTTP mock library that can start both in memory server and self host server. The core facilities can make complex things possible, and the extensions can make simple things simple. Usages can be found in project test cases.
Sinon Stub Promise (sinon-stub-promise) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.