Top 20 NuGet standard Packages

Contains packages that can be plugged into your application to provide commonly required functionallity like menus, tabs, login, data entry, text editing etc
A free, ultra portable, embedded, nosql database. Designed to be easy to use and easy to deploy. Works in any .net environment that supports .net Standard. Perfect for Apps, IoT, Xamarin or any project requiring a light weight database. It Has an Entity Framework like interface for a complete NoSql ...
SampleDataBuilder for tests
A lightweight C# .net standard library containing a huge list of MimeTypes and compatible File Extensions
.net standard http request manager based on HttpClient
An asynchronous .NET Standard 2.0 library that allows you to fetch & cache current weather readings from the OpenWeather API, with built-in resiliency that can extend the cache lifetime in case the API is unreachable.
Cross platform Xamarin AppSettings reader
The MonoGame runtime for UWP (Universal Windows Platform) which supports Windows 10 and Xbox One.
An extension for string class in .net standard
A .NET Standard Library using System.Net.HttpClient and NewtonSoft.Json which provides access to the ShipStation API.
Project containing all enums used in TwitchLib.
Api Library to access Switcheo Exchange api supporting .Net Standard
Replace fields in json, replacing by something, don't care if property is in depth objects. Very useful to replace passwords credit card number, etc.
Rebuld of (Novell.Directory.Ldap.NETStandard) for dotnet core 2.1 Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.* packages .NET Standard 2.0 LDAP client library: .NET Core, .NET Framework 4.6. Works with any LDAP server (including Microsoft Active Directory - AD)
DotNet extensions for system library.
Connection library used throughout TwitchLib to replace third party depedencies.
A natural language date parser for .Net Standard. A port of Ruby's Chronic.
A Spotify Web API wrapper for C#. View the changelog here:
ClosedXML TableReader is a ClosedXML extension to read Excel tables to dotnet dataTable or generic typed collection
Provides abstractions and helpers for ClickHouse.Ado.