Top 20 NuGet sqlserver Packages

A specification library for Rochas.DapperRepository implementation
Project template for getting started using DBConfirm with NUnit and SQL Server
Project template for getting started using DBConfirm with MSTest and SQL Server
This is a new set of templates to use when creating a project for DataTier.Net targeting .Net 5.0
The Common libraries for SqlAppLockHelper; a library for easily using Sql Server built in support for robust distributed mutex applicaiton locking capabilities. You should install SqlAppLockHelper.SystemData or SqlAppLockHelper.MicrosoftData depending on which SqlClient liberaries are in use in your...
Extensions to provide consistent configurations and patterns for your service.
SqlServer integration library for CacheCow EntityTagStore
Easiest and fastest Micro ORM, you've got the queries, you've got the objects, take the best of two worlds ! This is the SQL Server database provider.
Configuration-less object-relational mapper for SQL Server and SQL Server CE / SQL Server CE 4.0
RabbitMQ queues support for SQL Server job storage implementation for Hangfire (background job system for ASP.NET applications).
A simple and lightweight data access tool for .Net
This package contains a SpatialTrace that enables geometry tracing within the code, and a visualizer to review traces, and debugger visualizers for SqlGeometry and SqlGeography types.
.NET SQL Server Helpers. Makes managing custom SQL commands (no ORM) easier. Not really intended for use by the wider-public, but feel free to try :)
SQL Server database provider for OpenCQRS domain store.
Postulate ORM implementation for SQL Server
RequestReduce.SqlServer is an add-on to RequestReduce allowing you to store your optimized CSS, JavaScript and sprited images in a SqlServer or SqlServer CE database.
SisoDb is a schemaless document-oriented provider for SQL-Server. Using JSON and key-value storage, it lets you persist object graphs without specifying any mappings or extending any base classes interfaces etc. It lets you perform queries against SQL-server, using lambda expressions. It syncs schem...
An idiomatic bulk insert interface for databases. Allows you to bulk insert arbitrary types to an underlying database using a fast insert mechanism specific for that database. Currently supports SQL Server, MySQL, and SQLite. Works on the IDbConnection with extension methods, like Dapper.
Package contains SQL Server provider for Kaliko CMS - an open-source content management system. You'll find information on how to get started over at: