Top 20 NuGet sqlite Packages

A Redis session store for Red.CookieSessions
Offers a class for easy creation and acces of SqLiteDatabases
Execute script
SmartDb.Repository.NetCore是一套基于ADO.Net和DoNetCore对SqlServer、MySql、SQLite、PostgreSql数据库支持的快速开发和轻量级ORM框架SmartDb.NetCore的仓储。 包NuGet地址: 框架Git开源地址: 框架博客地址:
Serilog event sink that writes to SQLite database
sqlite common utility
Lightweight ActiveRecord-inspired ORM for .NET, Windows Phone and Mono(Touch/Droid)
SOCI was initially developed in the environment where Oracle was the main database technology in use. As a wrapper for the native OCI API (Oracle Call Interface), the name 'Simple Oracle Call Interface' was quite obvious - until the 2.0 release, when the internal architecture was largely redesigned ...
Light, simple and fast convention-based code-first POCO ORM. Support for Creating and Dropping Table Schemas from POCOs, Complex Property types transparently stored in schemaless text blobs in Sqlite.
Light, simple and fast convention-based code-first POCO ORM. Support for Creating and Dropping Table Schemas from POCOs, Complex Property types transparently stored in schemaless text blobs in Sqlite.
Light, simple and fast convention-based code-first POCO ORM. Support for Creating and Dropping Table Schemas from POCOs, Complex Property types transparently stored in schemaless text blobs in Sqlite.
SQLite adapter for HyperStore a modeling framework providing its own in-memory transactional database.
SQLite Library for Windows Phone 8.1
Simple syncable key-value database, based on SQLite
An AspNet Identity provider implemented with ServiceStack.OrmLite0.v3 (last version was 3.9.71). This provider can be used with all RDBMS that has a OrmLite Dialect.
Provides a sample code to get started with SQLite: a sample user interface for inserting and retrieving data, in addition to the code required for each platform. Watch this video to get started: It supports: 1) Xamarin.Android 2) Xamarin.iOS 3) Windows UWP 4) Windows Store 5) W...
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