Top 20 NuGet sql Packages

TypeSql compiles annotated SQL into strongly-typed data-access-objects
ADO.NET IDataReader and IDataRecord decorator classes.
IvyORM is an extremely simple yet powerful Micro-ORM that extends DbConnection and DbTransaction. With IvyORM boilerplate code is reduced while keeping SQL a first class citizen.
ORM for SQL Server, with support for table valued parameters, multiple resultsets, etc. Full async support!
ASP.NET based Membership Provider and RoleManager - with Sql database, without hardcoded sql. With use the all ASP.NET version (ASP.NET 2,3,3.5,4,4.5, ASP.NET MVC3, MVC4), for the managing users. All settings (including the stored procedure names) applicable in the web.config membership and roleMan...
F# DB Access Library
Automatically supports profiling all methods called on interfaces resolved from an Autofac IoC container.
NHibernate drivers to support integration with MiniProfiler.
For SQL Server Compact 3.5 SP2, for easy inclusion of Merge Replication support in your own application. Requires SQL Server Compact 3.5 SP2 runtime installed. See project site for samples and documentation.
A light-weight Micro-ORM to take away the pain in data access logic.
Micro ORM for .NET
Simple retry logic providing resistant connection to the Windows Azure SQL Database. Implemented as extension methods of SqlConnection and SqlCommand classes. Has no dependences to Enterprise Library or NHibernate. Does not require any configuration. Inspired by Microsoft's Topaz project.
A small independent library that will let you use standard C# and Linq to produce SQL queries
IDbEz is a library of helper classes and extension methods to ease working with IDb*-related interfaces, specifically when writing and executing SQL.
Creates an update scripts for sqlcmd to run - build in mind for dbup. Visit for more information.
DoToBase creates tables on SQL Server with your model classes.
A free and easy to use library for mitigating risk from SQL injection (SQLi) attacks from the application security experts at IronBox ( and Security Innovation, Inc. (
Auto database migration tool.
A small wrapper for LocalDb - using command line stuff. Can be used for creating and maintaining LocalDb instances. Super light and really simple - just a nice wrapper...
Lightweight mini-profiler, in particular designed for ASP.NET MVC sites (then ported to support .NET 3.5 Webforms sites)