Top 20 NuGet speed Packages

A simple and client to calculate download speed in multiple units.
Simple extension to the original HotChocolate Type system to make it easier to have rich schemas by using custom scalars that describe common units of length, time, speed, area, angles, etc.
Use the headless implementation of the virtual dom for testing.
ASP.NET Core middleware providing pure server-side output caching through a simple-to-use API
Rxe is a tool for developers using reflection and invoking methods, property read/write and constructors. Rxe precompiles these methods for each supported types so each call timing is very close to hard coded method invocation.
UBench is a simple yet powerful microbenchmark implementation. Just invoke Bench() extension method on Action or Action[] types.
Unit converter including Height/ Length, Weight, Temperature, Data Storage, Data Transfer, Energy, Frequency, Fuel Economy, Plane Angle, Pressure, Quantity, Speed and Volume
Speed.Common.Tool 快速通用工具
Package Description
Speed up access to excel by using a virtual DOM.
Serialization library for .netstandard. The library provides binary serialization which is faster and results in smaller payloads than json.
How long time does this text take to read? A normal reader will spend 6 seconds on it. Now you know.