Top 20 NuGet sourcing Packages

Package Description
EventStore implementation for saving and rebuilding objects from event streams.
The core package for CorshamScience.MessageDispatch. This is used to dispatch Events to Objects which consume them.
xunit Testing fixtures and helpers for Driven
An embedded RavenDB powered event store for MementoFX
A library for .NET designed to remove some of the complexity from denormalization
Eventual core
The purpose of the EventStore is to represent a series of events as a stream.
This library contains an EventStoreDomainRepository based on a DomainRepository base class contained in 'Evento' library. The two libraries combined are used to build Event Sourced components interacting with EventStore database
Projac.SQLite provides lightweight infrastructure for authoring SQL projections targeting SQLite.
Projac.SqlClient provides lightweight infrastructure for authoring SQL projections that target Microsoft SQL Server.
SQL Server database provider for Weapsy.Cqrs event store.
MySQL database provider for Weapsy.Cqrs event store.
Entity Framework Core database provider for Weapsy.Cqrs event store.