Top 20 NuGet social Packages
Google Plus API for Xamarin.Android by CloudRail provides an easy solution to login and get basic user information
Get a free license key at:
- Get profile information, including full names, emails, genders, date of birth, and locales.
- Retrieve profile pictures.
Facebook Pages API for Xamarin.Android by CloudRail provides an easy solution to get a list of users friends and create post
Get a free license key at:
- Get a list of connections
- Post video
- Post image
- Post text content
- Advance Request: Use any Facebook Page...
Facebook API for Xamarin.iOS by CloudRail provides an easy solution to login and get basic user information
Get a free license key at:
- Get profile information, including full names, emails, genders, date of birth, and locales.
- Retrieve profile pictures.
- Login ...
A Xamarin wrapper around Xaamrin.Auth APIs to share in Social Media(Facebook & Twitter for now)
.Net client library for Yotpo Reviews Platform API
Provides extended capabilities to share and authenticate users with social network accounts, including Facebook and Twitter.
Structures and algorithms to work with web services
Authentication and service implementation for the various Microsoft APIs.
.NET API wrapper and authentication package for the API.
Authentication and service implementation for the Flickr API.
.NET wrapper and API implementation for the Facebook Graph API.
Authentication and service implementation for the Slack API.
LinkedIn API for .NET by CloudRail provides an easy solution to login and get basic user information
Get a free license key at:
- Get profile information, including full names, emails, genders, date of birth, and locales.
- Retrieve profile pictures.
- Login using ...
Unified Social Profile API for .NET by CloudRail provides an easy solution to login and get basic user information.
This interface includes Facebook, GitHub, Google+, Heroku, Instagram, LinkedIn, Product Hunt, Slack, Twitter, Windows Live, Yahoo!.
Get a free license key at: https://cloudr...
Slack API for .NET by CloudRail provides an easy solution to login and get basic user information
Get a free license key at:
- Get profile information, including full names, emails, genders, date of birth, and locales.
- Retrieve profile pictures.
- Login using the...
Authentication and service implementation for the Steam Web API.
Authentication and service implementation for the TwentyThree API.
GpsNose is a geo-based social platform. You can use this SDK to attach the user management and real-world connectivity of GpsNose to your project or website. Your users can use their mobiles to login by the QR-code at your app/web and can describe, explore and communicate in their real current geogr...
Access and Refresh token query tunneling
Authentication and service implementation for the Dropbox API.