Top 20 NuGet smtp Packages

Mailer for .net, support template, smpt and mailgun transport
NChronicle is an extensible logging and output library allowing centralized management and distribution of log messages to a number of logging destinations (known as 'Libraries'). NChronicle.SMTP is a comprehensive SMTP email Library sending log messages in customizable email messages. It includes ...
Provides mail services implementation using the System.Net classes.
The Amazing DotNet-Library
Smtp Server (smtp-server) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
NET - sockets: Abstracted low level network support - Reactor pattern: Popular network abstraction pattern support - MIME messages: Encoding support - HTTP: High level HTTP support for client and servers - FTP: High level FTP support - Mail: POP3, SMTP stream based support - HTML: Form support
A single C# client library for PayLite's Communication API. It only takes 21 lines of code to send, track and store email and SMS communications with this API. Register for an API key and get 10,000 free emails per month with MessageLite or insert your key/credentials for SMTP, SendGrid, Twilio, etc...
PostageApp API client library for .NET Standard
A simple C# wrapper for SMTP
The Common Library for BabouMail Senders.
A library for core that allows you to send emails without having memory leaks
A testable fake SMTP server
C# library for queuing emails in a database and sending asynchronously
.NET Utilities exposes simple and effective methods to accomplish tasks which are otherwise unnecessarily complex or long. For example, you can request a web page using this short snippet: string html = Http.Get(""); Clean and simple! .NET Utilities features: - SHA1, SHA256, SHA3...