Top 20 NuGet slack Packages
MargieBot is a .NET library designed to make building bots for Slack fast, easy, and fun.
Let's allow your api makes some communications. In this version you got Outlook, Lync and Slack. Don't hesitate to propose us more modules !
A simple Slack integration library matcher for SlackBotNet.
Small utility library to report last state of any long-running process to Slack
A simple library to push rich messages to a Slack incoming web hook from .NET applications.
Unified Social Profile API for Xamarin.iOS by CloudRail provides an easy solution to login and get basic user information.
This interface includes Facebook, GitHub, Google+, Heroku, Instagram, LinkedIn, Product Hunt, Slack, Twitter, Windows Live, Yahoo!.
Get a free license key at: https:/...
Slack client communication with the api. You just need to generate your tokent to connect. Rtm inclusion (Real Time Communication). Small Winform based GUI integrated if needed.
JSON serializer for SlackSharp(Slack API client library for C#) with Utf8Json.
A simple library for sending Slack Messages
Simple, fast and lightweight (No dependencies) .Net Wrapper for Slack API Incoming webhooks. Push rich messages and attachments to your Slack channels from your .Net Core, .Net Framework or .Net Standart apps.
Resovles instances of SlackSharp with Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.
SlackMockServer allows you to mock slack server for application communicating with slack.
A .NET Core Host friendly Slack API client
Expone las definiciones y funcionalidades para construir un plugin y sus comandos para el sistema de chatbots de Slack de Evertec Colombia.
Dead simple Slack bot framework for .Net Core 3
Dead simple Slack bot framework for .Net Core 3
.NET Core slack client.
- Convenient for slack-bot development and with slack-blocks - modern rich layout. Check it here
- Handles slack responses, modal-views with updating existing modals in stack-manner, works with different workplace...
Library for interacting with the Slack API.
An Umbraco Contour workflow item that allows you to post the form data to a Slack Chat Channel