Top 20 NuGet signature Packages

C# JWKs - JSON Web Keys (RFC7517)
A C# implementation of libpuzzle (an image fingerprinting algorithm)
Contais utility classes that can be used to check debug signatures of files. Allows reading Portable Executable (e.g. DLL, EXE) and Program Database (PDB) files. Also ones that are packed into ZIP archive or NuGet package. This package also provides a class that can be used to group readings by the...
FSMB enterprise digital signature service
Provides a way of getting a direct link for a YouTube video. The direct link is from an Mp4 element. You can also decipher YouTube signatures by providing the ciphered signature and the html5 player link / full code (as a string).
Digital signature informations
Digital Signature functionality for use with Google Maps API
支持 Xamarin Android ,支持手写签字,支持导出 Bitmap 及 SVG
Customizable open source library for validating generic file formats (size, extension, file signature, checksum etc.) with available extensions which can detect corrupted files of some popular file formats.
Customizable open source library for validating generic file formats (size, extension, file signature, checksum etc.) with available extensions which can detect corrupted files of some popular file formats.
Simple byte reader that provides functions to extract a byte array from a file or a string (e.g. "F1 00 2C FF" to { 0xF1, 0x00, 0x2C, 0xFF }). It can also convert a byte array to a string or write it to a file.
Codesign utility to automate code signing with hardware token based certificates
Free dotNetCore library for digitaly sign pdf files with X509 certificates. This library is a dot net core wrapper on JSignPdf java application.
Generate OAuth1.0a requests with .NET Standard
Class library containing common abstractions to support development of common forms.
Class library for accelerating UWP application development.
Allows to digitally sign Pdf Files with a certificate