Top 20 NuGet sign Packages

This library is about trust. It implements a public key/private key handling solution for RSA 2048 bits and SHA512 operations with validation chain.
Sign in with Apple for .NET
You need basic cryptographic functionality to secure data from within your application, but have no clue what ASN.1 or X.509 is? You don't want your code to contain a lot of lines of code that handle byte[], streams, and other weird object types that have nothing to do with your actual business logi...
Role provider to work with single-sign-on projects
IoC friendly C# .netstandard2.0 service interface for asymmetric cryptographic operations.
Package Description
One place for user authentication to be used for all your apps.
Package Description
A library for signing a VSIX file.
Sign CLI
EVE Online SingleSignOn client for use with third party development.
Models to support Discourse SSO integration. The DiscoursePayload model will validate and open the payload, while the Payload model can be used to generate a response payload.
Free dotNetCore library for digitaly sign pdf files with X509 certificates. This library is a dot net core wrapper on JSignPdf java application.
Allows to digitally sign Pdf Files with a certificate
Package description
package for working with certificates rutoken,vipnet and cryptopro