Top 20 NuGet service Packages

Allow to save complain in e progress system
Database Abstraction
Windows Service Toolkit
Microsoft Azure Management Bot Service Library
A tiny utility for declaring Dependency Injection (DI) services with Attributes or Interface.
BDD Testing framework that hosts your Web Service during test execution
Contains helper functionality to set up an Invincible.Licensing.Core service in an ASP.Net Core Mvc project
Without downloading an image, provides size, cpu, and os information about a Docker container image in a Docker container registry.
A Simple Service Locator Helper
Security Components
NuGet package for functionality for estimating profits/losses given a solar array proposal. The package attempts to answer the question of "With a proposal of x kw generation/year, at y per month, for z years, at what point during the financing terms do the solar panels become cheaper than not havi...
Useful compression utility for easily and quickly (de)compressing strings and byte[] arrays. Can be used in ASP.NET Core using the included dependency injection container (under Startup.cs call services.AddTransient and register the compression utility service there).
This package contains version of the Microsoft.Practices.ServiceLocation runtime DLL.
This is a service that allows loading the configuration from various sources. The ConfigurationService will cache the configuration in the Cache service for the subsequence use. Once the source config has changed, or the cache expired then the service will call the Adapter again to reloa...