Top 20 NuGet service Packages

.NET fast and lightweight IPC framework that allows clients to work with hosted objects remotelly (call methods, get or set properties, subscribe to events, etc.). Can be used as an object-oriented replacement to traditional RPC (Remote Procedure Call) mechanisms.
Stateful implementation on top of Azure Service Fabric's Reliable Actor state manager. Provides common .NET data structure concepts persisted in distributed actor state.
Display all the Dependency Injection services in Mvc or Api project, developers can view all of the services through the browser, include Lifetime(Singleton, Transient, Scoped), ServiceType(IHttpContextFactory, ILoggerFactory...) and ImplementationType(HttpContextFactory, LoggerFactory...) as well ...
This library exposes types that simplify service application design.
The Repository and Service pattern implemented for both Entity Framework 6 and Core
IoC friendly C# .netstandard2.0 service interface for asymmetric cryptographic operations.
Manged client for etcd service
Package Description
Package Description
Este pacote oferece ferramentas para serem utilizadas em WebApis, com componentes como ExceptionFilter e uma abstract class Business com métodos de integração com RabitMq e CacheDistribuido
Twino IOC Service containers and scopes
Provides simple I/O communication interface between applications
The entry point for using the notifications service using hangfire and depending on core XKernel notifications libraries
Get a an opinionated API service quickly
SMon makes it easy to install the application as a service.
A very simple newsletter subscription service for ASP.NET Core, which provides functionality to manage and maintain a collection of contacts and newsletter subscribers.
A .Net scheduler that handles parallaization and adaptive sleeping on inactivity, can be used to develop long running workers and is specially suited for pulling scenarios
Implementacion de clases y servicios para descargar los CFDI de forma masiva utilizando el web service del SAT.