Top 20 NuGet service Packages

Optical Character Recognition (OCR) detects text in an image. Extracts characters into a usable character. First, subscribe on Microsoft Azure. Microsoft gives a 7-day trial Subscription Key . We can use that Subscripti...
The Bing Autosuggest API returns a list of suggested queries based on what the user enters
The Caching service for .Net developers. This service originally in HBD.Framework package. Providing the flexible way to develop the caching for .Net application not only Memory caching but also the other caching services like Redis, file, Web API and Database caching.
Models for Service Repository
ISettingsService Wrapper for ApplicationSettingsBase
CaveSystems Service Library. Provides service (windows), daemon (*nix/macos) and console (debugmode) execution.
Create periodically background services easily
Microsoft Azure ServiceBus plugin to emulate server-side exceptions
Implementation of IHostedService interface for Nybus
Provides abstractions to Autofac's registration and resolvings.
Provides abstractions to Autofac's registration and resolvings.
Make send Web Push Messages to your site or PWA applications easier.
Messaging Components for RabbitMQ Server
Implementation of IHostedService interface for Nybus Legacy
OkHttp stack implementation for Karamunting.Android.Gotev.UploadService
FTP Upload implementation for Karamunting.Android.Gotev.UploadService
Easily upload files (FTP / Multipart / Binary) in the background with progress indication notification
Library for interacting with a Blockmason Link project, a serverless infrastructure product.
The Engine of Source Code Generation used by the `dotnet-cgr` tool.
Extends Microsoft's BackgroundService to create fail-slow service which tries to handle failures internally, perform limited number of restarts, waits for recovery etc.