Top 20 NuGet service Packages

Enterlib integration into ASP.NET WebAPI 2
Biblioteca com facilitador para geração de relatórios utilizando Reporting Services.
Package that contains integration features specific to uCommerce
Extends the Database configuration to allow SQLite specific connections.
Provides integrations and extensions towards RavenDB.
Integration to Internet Information Services.
Package that provides integration to Globase EMS
Contracts and base implementations for the Xrm-Oss-Interfacing project
A .Net Core Data Protection Service Fabric microservice ready to use in your projects.
Client library for NSQ, a realtime distributed messaging platform.
A NetClient implementation supporting JSON-RPC APIs.
This library contains the necessary components for accessing Microsoft Windows Service Bus via the common Mantle messaging interface.
Moonlay NetCore standard library
Learn more about this project at
The Validation Application Block provides useful features that allow developers to implement structured and easy-to-maintain validation scenarios in their applications. This is a non-configurable .NET Standard-based Validation Application Block.
A fake service to help application development
Alternative routing API for Giraffe web applications which is aimed at maximum performance.
DD4T Provider for RWS Digital eXperience Accelerator Model Service
This is an implementation of the message store used for decoupled invocation of commands by Paramore.Brighter, using MySql