Top 20 NuGet server Packages

Клиент-Сервер построенные на TCP.
Helper classes for servers
Server environmenst for rota spa framework
Simple TCP and UDP messaging framework. The TCP Messaging functionality uses a two-way connection.
Kivii Dev Platform SSE服务端
Package Description
Metrosoft Internal Package for Server file viewer and uploading. This package requires Kendo.UI.Web or Kendo.UI.Mvc
User server model. AspNet membership Based
Application Insights EtwCollector allows sending data from Event Tracing for Windows (ETW) to Application Insights. Application Insights will collect your logs from multiple sources and provide rich powerful search capabilities. Privacy statement:
This package contains all-in-one library to help track CPU / Memory (RAM) / Disk (Ready) usage / SQL and SQL Server Performance to monitor device and assembly performance better. Your all-in-one System Performance tracker. GitHub Open Source Poject:
A minimalist cookie-based session manager for .NET web servers. Generates the cookie needed to send to the client and keeps track of open sessions and session data. Non-persistent