Top 20 NuGet server Packages

Server of event-oriented network library
Application Insights Telemetry SDK gives you insights into the KPIs of your on-premises and Windows Azure applications. With the SDK, you insert code into your server application that logs events and transactions. Application Insights service collects the data, analyzes it and presents the results i...
Photon server implementation without being dependent on photon
A couple helper classes to make using TVP parameters with Dapper easier.
The purpose of CSUtilities is to provide a number of artifacts/utilities that can assist and ease your everyday work with Microsoft Commerce Server 2007/2009.
Installs a basic Commerce Server 2009 ASP.NET 4.0 website supporting both WebForms and MVC supporting Classic Mode in IIS 7.x as well as Integrated Web-Server in Visual Studio.
Installs a basic Commerce Server 2009 ASP.NET 4.0 website supporting both WebForms and MVC using Integrated Mode in IIS 7.x.
Java base NuGet Feed server
Lightweight, low memory footprint and high performance library, The Inverted Software DataBlock helps creating objects and lists from stored procedures or queries output as well as updating records from models. Usage looks like: CRUDHelper.GetObjectList<Category>(() => new Category(), "GetCategories...
SMTP Server Library.
Lifecycle.js provides conventions and helpers to manage the life cycles of Javascript instances.
This package works with Service Bus 1.0 for Windows Server. it adds Microsoft.ServiceBus.dll along with related configuration files to your project. Please note that this package requires .Net Framework 4 Full Profile.
This package is for use with Service Bus WCF programing model. The extensions enables you to mark parts of your data model [DataContract] as promoted properties. These marked properties are then automatically lifted and promoted in the outgoing BrokeredMessage. Sample usage: ========== public clas...
A lightweight HttpListener based web server library for embedding in other applications.
CommerceServerContrib.Configuration installs the configuration required to to use Commerce Server 10 Request Templates.
Configures a web application to use Commerce Server 10 Core bits.
Converts a standard Web Project to a Foundation service.
Configures a web application to use Commerce Server 10 in 3-tier mode.
Configures a web application to use Commerce Server 10 in 2-tier mode.
IvyORM is an extremely simple yet powerful Micro-ORM that extends DbConnection and DbTransaction. With IvyORM boilerplate code is reduced while keeping SQL a first class citizen.