Top 20 NuGet serilog Packages

Serilog event sink that writes to the Windows Event Log.
Exceptionless sink for Serilog
Serilog-based logger integration for Rebus
Write Serilog events to Azure DocumentDB
Use attributes to control how complex types are logged to Serilog.
Logs details of System.Web HTTP requests through Serilog.
Serilog event sink that writes to Amazon Kinesis.
The System.IO.TextWriter sink for Serilog
Extend Serilog with timed operations.
Serilog enricher for assembly information
An extension for Autofac-IoC to use Serilog and Microsoft's logging abstractions with ease.
Serilog event sink that writes to Azure Table Storage over HTTP.
Serilog event sink that writes to the service.
A source code package designed primarily for library and framework authors who want dependency free logging support in their component. Also useful in end applications. As of 5.0.0 it works with NetStandard2.0 and SDK projects. For legacy csproj format support use 4.x versions. If you are a library...
Provides a System.Diagnostics.TraceListener implementation that outputs to Serilog.
Roslyn-based analysis for code using the Serilog logging library. Checks for common mistakes and usage problems.
Enrich logs with a unique ID so you can track logs for specific requests.
The xUnit test output sink for Serilog
The memory enricher for Serilog.
Enrich Serilog log events with properties from HttpContext in AspNetCore