Top 20 NuGet serilog Packages

Library with classe for Serilog integration in ASP.NET Core application
Telegram sink for Serilog
A Serilog sink that writes events to MariaDB and MySQL. Supports audit, batching and custom columns
Obsolete: please install Topshelf.Serilog instead. Serilog logging support for the Topshelf Windows service host.
Enrich Serilog log events with properties from System.Exception.
Serilog event sink that dispatches logs to clients based on LogEventLevel.
The Google Cloud Pub/Sub Sink for Serilog
Serilog adapter for Tracer.Fody which is an ILWeaver adding trace enter and leave log entries to methods. This adapter redirects trace logs and all other log calls to Serilog.
Capture serilog log events to xUnit output
Enrich Serilog log events with properties from the current HttpContext.
A Serilog sink that writes events to Azure WebJob Host's TraceWriter.
Serilog event sink that writes to MySQL database
A Rollbar sink for Serilog
The Splunk TCP Sink for Serilog
Serilog sink to buffer log messages and conditionally emit them based on later events.
Fluent assertion extensions for Serilog.TestLogger. Version 2.0.0 supports Fluent Assertions 6.
Сериложный обогатитель для параметризированного логирования свойств сообщений МассТранзита. Serilog enricher for parametrized logging of MassTransit message properties.
A sink for pushing Serilog structured log events into a Honeycomb instance.
Add centralized structured logging to ASP.NET Core applications using Serilog.