Top 20 NuGet serializer Packages

FsPickler is a serialization library that facilitates the distribution of .NET objects. The implementation focuses on performance and completeness in supported types, including F# types. It supports multiple, pluggable serialization formats including Binary, Xml, JSON and BSON. The library is based ...
MessagePack serializer for Akka.NET
Unity shims and formatters for Utf8Json.
Add ImmutableCollection formatters to Utf8Json.
Provides JSON (De-)Serialization support for Nancy using Jil.
Extends CacheMeIfYouCan by providing a MessagePack implementation of ISerializer
Free and Open Source fork of ServiceStack.Text V3 .NET's JSON, JSV and CSV Text Serializers. Fast, Light, Resilient. Includes the String and Stream functionality for all the NServiceKit projects including: - T.Dump() generic extension method for easy debugging and introspe...
Add the ProtoBuf binary format and endpoint to a ServiceStack web service host.
Add the MsgPack binary format and endpoint to a ServiceStack web service host.
The PainlessHttp client has plugable serialzers. This is a implementation of JsonNet's popular json serializer. For more information on usage, visit the project homepage.
Json and Xml Serializers for .NET projects Support : * Wpf, Windows Forms, Asp.Net * Uwp (>=build 16299) * Asp.Net Core, Xamarin (.Net Standard 2.0) * etc. * JsonO * Methods * ToJson: Object (object or dynamic) => Json * FromJson: Json => Object (type or dynamic) * ...
Form Serializer (form-serializer) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Add the ProtoBuf binary format and endpoint to a StackExpress web service host.
Add the MsgPack binary format and endpoint to a StackExpress web service host.
Extremely fast binary serializer with tons of features. Full reference persistence (including circular references), polymorphism, zero-allocations, can handle readonly fields, delegates, 'KnownTypes' list for whitelisting and optimization in network scenarios... checkout the github page for a ...
Infinitely fast serializer for .NET, .NET Core and Unity.
FsPickler is a serialization library that facilitates the distribution of .NET objects. The implementation focuses on performance and completeness in supported types, including F# types. It supports multiple, pluggable serialization formats including Binary, Xml, JSON and BSON. The library is based ...
.NET's fastest JSON, JSV and CSV Text Serializers (3x faster than JSON.NET). Fast, Light, Resilient. Benchmarks at: Includes the String and Stream functionality for all the StackExpress projects including: - T.Dump() generic extension me...
A high performance contract-less binary serializer