Top 20 NuGet serializer Packages

Serializer for CSharp,
44KB of Helpers: Http/Rest, Serialization/Deserialization, Extensions, IO, Email, Security and a light curl/wget like cli for windows users!
xUnit tests for netfx-System.ISerializer, to be used by implementations of ISerializer interface.
A .NET library providing fast and easy de/serialization of arbitrary column-based text data.
BERT serializer and BERT-RPC client for .Net
Xml Serialization to serialize objects of the specified type into Xml strings and deserialize Xml strings into objects of the specified type.
A ProviderModel implementation of serialization providers
Alternative binary serializer to protobuf-net and it has comparable speed and size.
Silver Config allows you to annotate a class with attributes, similiar to those for the XmlSerializer or Json.Net, but allows to add comments for elements, define the order, and to separate them with new lines. This makes the configuration file easier to read and modify by the user.
A .NET library that provides ASP.NET MVC model binders based on customizable JSON parsers.
CommonSerializer.Jil Class Lib rary
CommonSerializer.MsgPack.Cli Class Library
CommonSerializer.Newtonsoft Class Library
CommonSerializer.Protobuf-net Class Library
.NET's fastest JSON, JSV and CSV Text Serializers. Fast, Light, Resilient. Benchmarks at: Includes the String and Stream functionality for all the ServiceStack projects including: - T.Dump() generic extension method for easy dbugging and...
A general purpose, cross-platform binary/text serialization library.
A library to almost deserialize json format.
This utility provide below services for Dot net projects. 1) Encryption/Decryption of string with/without salt key. (useful for password encryption) 2) Object mapper 3) Serialize/Deserialize class object
A simple Key/Value language "Sekvap" implemented for .NET. This thing converts this kind of strings into a IList<KeyValuePair<string, string>>. > Main value;Key1=Value 1;Key2=Value 2;Key2=Value 2 again Why Sekvap? Sekvap is easy to read, easy to parse and easy to store. Sekvap is lighter than J...
Fielded Text Implementation (reader, writer, and meta creator/loader/saver). See for more information about Fielded Text.