Top 20 NuGet selenium Packages

SeleniumShim uses implicit retry until timeout loops within calls to FindElement and user actions on IWebElement objects which solves race conditions and problems with 'stale' references to WebElement.
Cornerstone Testing Automation Framework. Provides everything a Cornerstone App developer needs to start creating test automation with Specflow.
Blackbaud UAT KIT Core SDK Classes.
Blackbuad UAT SpecFlow Generator Plugin. Produces bindings with dual signatures enabling that the tests for both MSTest and NUnit compatible runners. Manages chromedriver lifecycle. Based on See http://...
Install IE Driver(x64) for Selenium WebDriver into your Unit Test Project. "IEDriverServer64.exe" is copied to bin folder from package folder when the build process. NuGet package restoring ready, and no need to commit "IEDriverServer64.exe" binary into source code control repository. ...
NSelene is a wrapper over Selenium Webdriver, built to provide user-oriented API for Web UI tests in Browser and improve tests stability by implementing smart implicit waiting for commands and assertions. It's inspired by Selenide from Java, SelenideJs from JavaScript and Selene from Python. Ma...
Testing lib
WebDriver is an emerging standard through which Web developers can write tests to automate Web browsers for site testing. It provides a programmable remote control for developing complex user scenarios and running them in an automated fashion against your website in a browser. WebDriver is used by t...
Framework for UI Automation Testing. Web, Mobile, Desktop
This Framework provides generic libraries needed for test automation using any Test automation tool which is based on writing tests in c# programming language.
Base assembly for PageObjectModels
Base assembly for PageObjectModels
Base assembly for PageObjectModels
Framework for UI Automation Testing. Web, Mobile, Desktop
Framework for UI Automation Testing. Web, Mobile, Desktop
Framework for UI Automation Testing. Web, Mobile, Desktop
All Drivers for webdriver ChromeDriver v2.23 geckodriver v0.9.0 64 bit Windows IE v2.53.1 (x86) Microsoft WebDriver v3.14393
Core utility functions for web applications automation.
Installs the Selenium.WebDriver.Server package into your Unit Test Project. The "selenium-server-standalone.jar" is copied to the output bin folder from the package folder during the build.