Top 20 NuGet security Packages

Zero-trust security for every web app. Protect your ASP.NET MVC web apps with a multi-stage security pipeline that includes XSS detection, authentication, IP firewall, two-factor, activity/data authorization, account verification and suspension checks. To get started Visit
Zero-trust security for every web app. Protect your ASP.NET Web API services with a multi-stage security pipeline that includes XSS detection, authentication, IP firewall, two-factor, activity/data authorization, account verification and suspension checks. To get started Visit https://ASPSecurityKit...
ASP.NET Core Middleware for validating scope claims
FluentSharp is an API that dramatically simplifies the use of .NET Framework APIs. It makes extensive use of .NET ExtensionMethods and it reduces the amount of code required. This is the FluentSharp REPL which provides a C# REPL enviroment (REPL is Read Eval Print Loop) which allows for real-time e...
Componente transversal de la arquitectura. Contiene un conjunto de clases que implementan los contratos para operaciones de cache, seguridad, loggin, operaciones con archivos, email, etc.
A security package for Umbraco. Lock down an Umbraco website from viewers. Only users who are logged into the backoffice can see the public website.
SRP-6a protocol implementation for .NET Standard 2.0 and .NET Framework 3.5+
Zyan is a framework that simplifies development of distributed applications for desktop and mobile platforms. With Zyan you can publish any .NET class for remote access over the network. Zyan is highly customizable and provides you with tools to build modular and plugable distributed applications.
The core assemblies for the Sentinel OAuth Provider. Use this if you want to develop an extension.
An activity based security framework
An activity based security framework for ASP.NET MVC
This adds Active Directory group permissions to Dapplo.CaliburnMicro based applications
Helps applications with the creation and validation of Java Web Tokens (JWT), as defined in RFC 7519. Includes OpenID claims.
Helps UWP applications with the creation and validation of Java Web Tokens (JWT), as defined in RFC 7519.
The Enterprise Library Cryptography Application Block simplifies the ways to incorporate cryptographic functionality in applications. This library contains a class library that targets .Net Core 2.0 & .Net Standard 2.0.
Light-weight class library implementing Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS) Version 1.2, as defined in RFC 6347. Supports Pre-shared keys and AES CCM. Loosely coupled communication layer interface. DTLS over UDP has predefined interfaces.
ASP.NET Core security middleware enabling Baidu authentication.
Basic Authentication Scheme for ASP.NET Core 2.0
tCell Native Agent
MongoDB persistence layer for IdentityServer4