Top 20 NuGet secrets Packages

Classes for secret protection (password hashing, etc.).
A tool for sharing sensitive data across your projects.
Transform Azure KeyVault macros into their respective values during local development
Provides implementation for Azure Key Vault
Extends WebJobs 3 and Azure Functions 2 to enable transforming Azure KeyVault macros into their respective values during local development from local.settings.json and other configuration sources.
Useful Docker extensions for AspNetCore
Sealbreaker is a NuGet pacakage you can use to fetch your secrets or decrypt and encrypt your data with keys from the Azure Key Vault by using System Assigned Identity.
A .NET Standard library for using DevOps Secrets Vault
Provides a default implementation of a string replacement service that replaces keys with values and an implementation of a key replacement service that abstracts Azure Key Vault
Configuration.DockerSecrets is a non-official library, build to work as a stop-gap until dotnetcore 2.0.0 is released.
.NET Core configuration provider for Docker Secrets.
Core libraries for Sentinel
Kubernetes secrets configuration provider implementation to use with Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.
Package Description