Top 20 NuGet search Packages

Better search for EPiServer based on Full Text Search service: better previews, special characters support, exclusion of not visible, not published or system pages and more.
Sitecore extensions for the Lucinq API
Fluent API to drive
ShareCoffee.Search - Search Addons for ShareCoffee
This is IKVM compatible lucene benchmark package. This is used in FlexSearch (
Isolate is a jQuery plugin that provides faceted isolation and filtering of lists with programmatic scaffolding support for Bootstrap 3, 4, or the Isolate grid.
An alternative Elasticsearch client for .NET, built on-the-go while working on real-world projects
C# port of NrtManager and SearcherManager from Lucene 3.5.0
Datagrid component for Entity Framework This component is used for dynamic generation of tables with search / sort / pagination. All select used in this component will always make ONLY three queries to the database, 2 counts (total / filtered) and the select that will retrieve the data ALREADY paged...
A screaming fast, reactive dynamic datatable viewmodel/template for Knockout with search, header sorting and item selection.
TextMatch is a library for searching inside texts using Lucene query expressions. Supports all types of Lucene query expressions - boolean, wildcard, fuzzy. Options are available for tweaking tokenization, such as case-sensitivity and word stemming.
A .NET wrapper for the Giphy ( API.
EPiServer Elasticsearch client using NEST
Query the SharePoint Search for People
A .NET client library for the PCA Predict Capture Plus address search API. This is a basic wrapper around the Capture Plus web services, which maps the JSON responses to .NET classes. Disclaimer: This is not an official library! I am not in any way affiliated with Postcode Anywhere Ltd or ...
Search collector against MS SQL Server sources. Part of SearchAcceleratorFramework
Package Description
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