Top 20 NuGet scss Packages
BundleTransformer.SassAndScss contains one translator-adapter - `SassAndScssTranslator`. This adapter makes translation of Sass and SCSS code to CSS code by using the Dart Sass Host for .NET. Also contains the `SassAndScssAssetHandler` debugging HTTP handler, which is responsible for text output of ...
This package complements the LibSassHost package and contains the native implementation of LibSass for Windows (x86).
This package complements the LibSassHost package and contains the native implementation of LibSass for Windows (x64).
.NET wrapper around the LibSass with the ability to support a virtual file system.
Excubo.WebCompiler is a dotnet global tool that compiles Scss files (other languages on the road map).
Compiles LESS, Sass, JSX and CoffeeScript files
This package complements the LibSassHost package and contains the native implementation of LibSass for Linux (x64).
This package complements the LibSassHost package and contains the native implementation of LibSass for OS X (x64).
Compiles Sass and Scss files for the LigerShark.WebOptimizer.Core system.
The most advanced responsive front-end framework in the world.
Live SASS compile sets up file watchers to automatically build SASS changes while the server is running.
A P/Invoke .NET wrapper around libsass to convert SCSS to CSS for .NET
SassAndCoffee is a package that adds SCSS/Sass and CoffeeScript compilation support to .NET, as well as minification support via UglifyJS.
Memory Player is a lonely AngularJS module that is written in TypeScript and seeking to befriend musicians. Asked if Memory Player has the qualities of a good friend it replied, "No. A best friend." These qualities include page-to-page continued audio playback, support for playlists, and shareabilit...
Fast (S)CSS parser and auto-prefixer
Provides support for Sass (.scss) preprocessing and uses Autoprefixer to add vendor prefixes automatically. In Kentico CSS Stylesheets application, a new Sass file type would be available, and stylesheets can be created in .scss format. A live preview of compiled css containing vendor prefixes would...
Sass compilation and bundling implementation based on LibSassHost for the Karambolo.AspNetCore.Bundling library.
dotnet Tool: SASS Compiler, CSS Bundler, CSS Minifier, JS Bunder, with FileSystemWatcher for live editing
MSBuild extension. Automatically build *.less/*.sass/*.scss to *.css during project build.
MSBuild extension. Automatically build *.less/*.sass/*.scss/*.styl to *.css during project build.