Top 20 NuGet scheduler Packages

A .Net scheduler that handles parallaization and adaptive sleeping on inactivity, can be used to develop long running workers and is specially suited for pulling scenarios
JobbrCore Scheduler
.Net ASP.NET Job Scheduler Long-Running
.Net ASP.NET Job Scheduler Long-Running
.Net ASP.NET Job Scheduler Long-Running
A lightweight cron-like scheduler for in-memory scheduling of your code with second-level precision.
Cron.NET is a library to easily set up recurring jobs in the .NET framework. You can schedule jobs via a CRON expression.
XecMe is a hosting and execution framework. It follows the task oriented design approach for solving the business problems. It is a highly configurable framework to execute batch processes, asynchronous tasks, Windows Service etc. You can simplify your Azure Worker Role development to manage multipl...
R Scheduler Contracts
Cron expression parser and task scheduler
Simple and easy to use background task processing and message queue for .NET
Extensible background task runner and job scheduler for C#. NOTE: In beta API's subject to breaking changes.
This package used to create Windows Scheduler
Compact based library for quick integration of task scheduling into you app.
Provides Scheduler service management (Fluent) capabilities for Microsoft Azure.
A simple C# scheduler with test implementation. Scheduler is a simple C# implementation of a scheduler that support recurring events and unit testing with "Time travel".
Luke's models