Top 20 NuGet sample Packages
Sample classes for my data model
An early access version for the Starter Pack. Contains few extention methods
A description of your package
Convert numbers between different bases e.g. Hexadecimal to base 3.
A description of your package
Simple Data classes for testing or tutorial applications. For example, class Person with some properties and class People (a set of Person). In this release added SampleData for Silvetlight app.
JavaScript library to do store and forward in the browser using browser localstorage as intermediary store. This package contains an usage sample to demonstrate API usage.
For detailed usage see project page.
Example layout to show workflow using Grunt build.
The control library IToolS® (Industrial Component Tool Suite) is the answer to the interaction difficulties experienced by devices wishing to communicate via a common protocol.
IToolS® is a software library containing its own communication drivers for the most popular devices used in the field of i...
A dynamic ViewModel sample data generator library for .NET Universal Apps.
Symbols for package 'IIS7NativeModule'. This package should not likely be installed.
(This is not the package you are looking for).
Redistributable components for package 'IIS7NativeModule'. This package should only be installed as a dependency.
(This is not the package you are looking for).
Generate Bootstrap Sample Images
A sample package to demonstrate Package Management in Visual Studio Team Services. Thank you for choosing Team Services!
A sample project to show how to use Tilemaps.
Anand's first sample nuget package.