Top 20 NuGet s3 Packages
File Management solution integrating 3rd party storage providers such as S3 and dropbox.
An S3 adapter for Estranged.Lfs.Api.
ActLog.S3Uploader - ActLog transfer to AWS S3
Lists zip file content on AWS S3 without downloading whole document. Supports both zip and zip64 files.
Package Description
A fixture for XUnit that start up a fake local S3 bucket to test your code with. Whilst it was built for XUnit it should be framework agnostic.
Upload file to S3 and get presign URL
A GitHub authentication adapter for Estranged.Lfs.Api.
A BitBucket authentication adapter for Estranged.Lfs.Api.
.NET Configuration Extensions for loading configuration files from AWS S3.
Affirma ThreeSharp assembly.
Simple lightweight AWS S3 Helper.
Simplify usage of AWS S3 to get, move, put and delete objects.
Umbraco S3 FileSystem Provider
This is a .NET Micro Framework 4.3 library for the AWS S3 Rest API. Get samples and help on the project URL:
AffirmaThreeSharp assembly.
An Amazon S3 file system
A Migration provider for Cabinet. Allows files to be migrated from one Cabinet to another i.e. FileSystem to S3.
Upload support for Cabinet.
SimpleSalesforceConnect is a .NET Core platform based class library that can be used to connect to Salesforce to obtain the Access Token and Instance Url to make further Rest API calls. Wrappers are added to download Salesforce logs and then upload logs to Amazon S3 bucket.
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ApiAuthenticate is a .NET Core class library that is a wrapper around HttpClient and can be used to obtain authentication tokens from client such as Salesforce, Blackboard using Grant_Type ClientCredentials or Password. AWS Connection is also supported.
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