Top 20 NuGet runtime Packages

This package gives Xamarin support for Swift4. Includes libswiftCoreLocation.dylib
This package gives Xamarin support for Swift4. Includes libswiftContacts.dylib
This package gives Xamarin support for Swift4. Includes libswiftAccelerate.dylib
Runtime code generation proxy. Useful telemetry for your C# application. It is able to store telemetry to SQL Server, binary files or others containers.
A Json fluent mapper.
This is a unit-tested C# library that can convert Well Known Text (WKT) / Well Known Binary (WKB) to and from ESRI's ArcGIS Runtime Geometry. The motivation for this library is a no-dependency and small footprint WKT/WKB parser. It has some limited-functionality but is a alternative to more robust ...
This package gives Xamarin support for Swift4. Includes libswiftNetwork.dylib
This package gives Xamarin support for Swift4. Includes libswiftNaturalLanguage.dylib
Stringy is a simple and light-weight runtime string interpolation engine. The purpose of the library is to provide something that's easier to use and more light-weight than Runtime Text Templates or RazorEngine, but a little more powerful than string.Replace().
ICloseable, IAsyncCloseable provides clear semantic of a lifetime. IRuntimeEnvironment provides exception handling policy injection.
Package Description
SQLite client libary
A fluent interface to create Lambda functions and expression waiting for Microsoft Roslyn. The documentation can be found on No knowledge of IL and System.Linq.Expression is needed. And even Lambda can be called. Available items are: Function p...
If it would be needed to generate files in runtime, these classes can be used in conjunction with the compilation utilities to compile the templates. The target is to have a system like the one used by ASP.NET to compile the Razor templates into class. If you need it you could use these class as Raz...
Portable library for attaching behaviours to objects at runtime using extension methods. An entity-component system, if you will.
io.js is a JavaScript platform built on Chrome's V8 runtime. This project began as a fork of Joyent's Node.js and is compatible with the npm ecosystem.
Runtime value library
Runtime web interface
A PDF Viewer Control for Windows Runtime Platform [WinRT] for Windows 8.1 Universal Applications (Mainly a Solution for Windows Phone 8.1 Issue Missing PDF Reader). It can be used for both Windows 8.1 & Windows Phone 8.1 for a unified UX/UI. It is built over PDF.js developed by Mozilla.