Top 20 NuGet rules Packages

Execution engine for the NRules rules engine.
NRules is an open source rules engine for .NET that is based on the Rete matching algorithm with rules authored in C# using internal DSL.
Canonical rules model to define rules for the NRules rules engine.
Fluent DSL for authoring rules in C# with the NRules rules engine.
Rules Engine is a package for abstracting business logic/rules/policies out of the system. This works in a very simple way by giving you an ability to put your rules in a store outside the core logic of the system thus ensuring that any change in rules doesn't affect the core system.
Business rules language for NRules rules engine.
Provides web-based rule management of Code Effects 5.x business rules engine on .NET Core platform version 2.0 and up
Provides the rule evaluation part of the Code Effects 5.x business rules engine. This is a TRIAL VERSION that delays all calls to Evaluate() and Filter() methods for 6 seconds. Visit for details on full version.
Provides web-based rule management of Code Effects 5.x business rules engine on .NET platform version 4.6.2 and up
Provides web-based rule management of Code Effects 5.x business rules engine on classic ASP.NET 4.5 MVC platform
Provides web-based rule management of Code Effects 5.x business rules engine on classic ASP.NET WebForms platform
RuleValidator for entity validation base on custom rules. And this is a helper for registration
Relying heavily on the Nethereum project, this library contains classes that interact with the Ethereum foundation and that extend the Wonka engine, particulary the base class WonkaBizRulesEngine in the Wonka.BizRulesEngine library. With the funtionality provided here, Wonka becomes a business rule...
BusinessLogic for an enterprise system
Governance library for writing unit tests to check for forbidden .csproj references. It allows the developer to write declarative rules to steer the architecture within the same application. It relies on having the source code around when running unit tests.
This library wraps the functionality found in the Ipfs.Api library. It is merely a proof of concept, and it should not be relied upon.
This library will supply extended functionality to the Wonka rules engine in the form of various adapters, so that the user can easily provide the engine with ways to extract data from alternate sources (databases, Ethereum contracts, etc.).
SDK for building Flow Steps, Forms, Rules, Reports and more in Decisions. Decisions is a visual workflow and rule engine environment for the enterprise.
RuleValidator for entity validation base on custom rules
This library contains the base implementation of the Wonka engine and its supporting classes. The Wonka engine is a business rules engine that is inherently metadata-driven, and it forms the base class for other functionality/classes that interact with the Ethereum blockchain.