Top 20 NuGet rpc Packages
Web4b be4 library for Bryllite.
Xml Rpc Server Protocol Base for .Net Standard. Use this Package to implement Xml-Rpc based Servers. Notice: If you're looking for out-of-the box server-implementations use XmlRpc.Kestrel (for Kestrel Middleware) or XmlRpc.Listener (for HttpListener) instead.
HttpListener Implementation of XmlRpc.Server. Use this Package if you want to build a Xml Rpc Server with a simple HttpListener.GetContext.
RpcLikeBlazor is a lightweight library for method like calling server-side ASP.NET Api from client-side app.
WampSharp NewtonsoftMessagePack support
WampSharp Microsoft.AspNetCore.WebSockets support
(Obsolete. Use ServiceWire.) A Lightweight Services Library for .NET.
A client and server XML-RPC library for .Net.
LightNode(as Micro REST/RPC Framework) Client for Unity with UniRx.
A lightweight RPC framework for .NET built on nanomsg (server side library)
Key Value Database, Wrapped Dynamic IL generation with debugging + extensions, IOC Container, Object Database, RPC Library, Snappy Compression, Event Storage
A little library to call methods from a runtime array.
Super RPC Lib
Tomato Rpc Core Library.
Tomato Rpc Design Time Proxy Library.
Server-side code for standard REST-like web calls in Creative Thinking Inc services framework. Provides classes that can act as the code-behind for an ASPX page, providing RPC-like web call entry points.
Framework for easy RPC (Remote Process Communication)! Supports .NET Standard 1.6, so will run on any modern .NET platform, including .NET Core!
Client for Transmission API
AutoCSer is a high-performance RPC framework.
AutoCSer 是一个以高效率为目标向导的整体开发框架。主要包括 TCP / RPC 接口服务框架、TCP / RPC 函数服务框架、前后端一体 WEB 视图框架、ORM 内存索引缓存框架、日志流内存数据库缓存组件、消息队列组件、二进制 / JSON / XML 数据序列化 等一系列无缝集成的高性能组件。