Top 20 NuGet routing Packages
Use Routable with the Kestrel HTTP server
Equalizer is aspnetcore middleware for load-balancing service instances from Nanophone and contains several routers to choose from
Alternative routing API for Giraffe web applications which is aimed at maximum performance.
A helper library which allows segmenting ASP.NET MVC controllers and views by feature rather than type.
Are you tired of manually entering MapRoute() for each new controller action with different than default parameters? AutoRouting is a very simple solution.
ASP.NET Web API support for MvcCodeRouting.
Web application routing library using F# Agents
A modified version of the MvcRouteTester package with support for Localized routes by specifying a custom IDirectRouteProvider implementation.
Finds routes in WebAPI without magic strings using lambda expressions.
Utilities for unit testing Asp WebApi Projects.
Builds on ApprovalTests
Contains implementations for Wif - Aware SiteMap Providers and Navigation Helpers.
A library for Akka.NET that implements routing for a lightweight, distributed event stream (aka Event Bus)
ShipmentRouter RESTful JSON order routing web services split Ecommerce order to multiple shipments, allocate warehouse inventory and route shipments to specific warehouses based on routing scenarios and available inventory. ShipmentRouter has major order routing functionality such as address geocodi...
Botwin is a library that allows Nancy-esque routing for use with ASP.Net Core.
Add JSON support to your Routable project
Message routing component for chatbots built with Microsoft Bot Framework C# SDK
Library contains Sygic Maps Clients
A module to add/generate OpenLR encoded data to/from a RouterDb.
A library to extend Carter to handle the siren hypermedia media type.
Make your mvc routes compact, simple and readable with SoftRouting.