Top 20 NuGet route Packages
Core functionality for all AttributeRouting packages.
Define routes using regular expressions
Allows you to work with 'location.hash' value in a similar fashion to a server-side query string. It also supports cross-browser "hashchange" event handling and a hash-based Routing engine. This is a stand-alone JavaScript library with zero other dependencies.
This package adds the ability to look at all the mvc 5 attribute based routes applied throughout your application. After installing the package just run your mvc 5 application, and visit "attribute-based-routes". That is, if your application is running at port 1234, you would have to...
Do Not Download, it's only a Test! Unser Routenplaner soll unter Berücksichtigung unterschiedlicher Transportmittel und Suchkriterien optimale Routenvorschläge anbieten.
A simple route planner library
Client for sending message logging to message route inspector service
Message route inspector server
Core lib for basic location services operations like geocoding, reverse geocoding, routing and distance.
This is the Coord Tolls api Wrapper Built in .Net Standered , to consume Gps Traces and Toll on Route services
This is the Coord Tolls api Wrapper Built in .Net Standered , to consume Toll on Route services and google direction service
Win32 Ip4 Routing Table Helper