Top 20 NuGet roslyn Packages
Common toolset for repositories
StyleCop helper package from Springboard 365 Ltd .
Adds some extension methods to have more fluent APIs on SyntaxRewriter
Deploy Roslyn libraries in GAC
This is an update or the result of walking through the Roslyn Code Refactoring action in By Kevin Hazzard and Jason Bock.
See also
Code analysis using Project Roslyn
C# code generator based on the Roslyn API.
My package description.
A fluent interface to create Lambda functions and expression waiting for Microsoft Roslyn. The documentation can be found on No knowledge of IL and System.Linq.Expression is needed. And even Lambda can be called.
Available items are: Function p...
Console application that automatically generates factory implementations for classes marked with [GenerateFactory] attribute, by using Roslyn C# Compiler-as-a-Service. New files named <TargetClass>Factory.Generated.cs are added to the project.
Can be used in a build server environment.
How do we Enforce Coding standards and guidelines at Compiler Level and this should be applicable for all projects in an Org. When we compile a code, C# compiler should warn developer to use
1) Transient fault handling app blocks (if code is connecting to Sql azure, ServiceBus, Blob/tables etc)
MVC Razor WebPages Asp.NET Framework
Useful .NET Compiler Platform analyzers and code fix providers for your C# projects
Please use Refactoring Essentials.
Replace DateTime.Now and DateTime.Today with a call to unit testable SystemTime
A set of Roslyn diagnostic analyzers and code fixes targeting .NET Core libaries.
Hooks into the ASP.NET MVC pipeline to enable usage of C# 7.2, and views precompiled with StackExchange.Precompilation.Build