Top 20 NuGet root Packages

DynamicProxy integration for Autofac.Extras.IocManager
Provides abstractions to Autofac's registration and resolvings.
A .NET Standard library that provides razor tag helpers that allow web root relative paths to be replaced by an alternative location rather than the local path.
Part of the ROOT.NET library that allows you to access the C++ ROOT data anlaysis pacakge ( from .NET languages. Contains libASImageGuiWrapper.dll libASImageWrapper.dll libEGPythia8Wrapper.dll libEGWrapper.dll libEveWrapper.dll libFitPanelWrapper.dll libFoamWrapper.dll libFumiliW...
DynamicProxy integration for Nkit.IocManager
Use LINQ to query TTree's
Use LINQ to query TTree's
Use LINQ to query TTree's
Use LINQ to query TTree's
Use LINQ to query TTree's
Use LINQ to query TTree's
Use LINQ to query TTree's
Use LINQ to query TTree's
Use LINQ to query TTree's
Use LINQ to query TTree's
Use LINQ to query TTree's
Use LINQ to query TTree's
Use LINQ to query TTree's
Use LINQ to query TTree's